Category Archives: Style

Spring – oh it’s you! πŸ’

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Each season has its unique charm. In my eyes – the spring is the one that brings a breeze of the new into our life. It is a breath of freshness and changes in nature, breathtaking scents, and optimism that comes in handy in these twisted times.

Paradoxically,the storm and turbulence of changes in my life coincided with the first days of spring, which in Scotland is already in full swing!
Despite the windy weather, nature awakening to life, singing birds, and young buds sparkling with a riot of hues encourage you to want to go for a walk! You want to move somewhere to the bosom of nature and enjoy the greenery and the abundance of spring flowers in the forest nooks and crannies!


I love these trips to delightful places touched by the magic of spring! And nothing makes me feel so positive than absorbing vitamin D directly from the sun’s rays, meadows full of colors that tempt me to braid wreaths, and longer, warmer days.

All these little things give me hope and faith that it will get better despite the obstacles.


Back to the roots…

I am so happy in spring when I see the first blooming buds appear in the orchards and announce a real feast! As a big lover of cherries and everything related to them – after all, the name Cherry Bay did not come out of anywhere – seeing blooming fruit trees, I only think about the delicacies that I’m going to eat very soon. It makes me look forward to sunny summer, which is very special this year.

After a long break, I’ve finally planned a trip to my hometown in Poland, where I would like to take a breakfrom my worries and see my beloved parents, whom I miss so much.

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I have been dreaming of visiting my home and going back to my roots for a long time. I want to recharge my batteries with positive vibrations, see the charming corners of my home region and reset myself a bit. At the end of summer, I have a very ambitious challenge ahead. I want to start a new project, which is very demanding but also very important to me and has been waiting for fulfillment for too much time. But! Hush, hush for now! When the time is right, I will certainly share it with you!


Bead madness!

Browsing the wonders of my shop, you have probably noticed that I love beautiful, handmade jewelry. I’ve been creating it myself for some time now. It hooked me completely! My passion for handicrafts gives me a lot of satisfaction! I create bracelets,pendants, necklaces, and earrings but also decorations for homes, gardens, porches, or terraces. Many of my little creations are available on the site, but I promise there will be more!
Sometimes, I have the feeling that handicraft is like my “healthy” addiction. But then, my collection of colorful beads in various shapes and patterns is starting to spill out of my drawers! Nevertheless, as soon as I see any new came-ups, unusual forms of pebbles, or original details, I need to have all of them! I love the beauty of every detail and the cute elements with which I can create magical, exceptional, unique jewelry.


In the following posts, I will reveal some secrets of my passion – I will write about the types of beads I use, share my impressions from creating and help you choose the best tools to start the adventure with handmade jewelry. I hope that my small compendium for beginners will encourage some of you to have fun together! For now, I invite you to my shop, where real jewelry gems are constantly coming.

You’ll be delighted with many inspiring accessories for the summer, special occasions, and
everyday use – feel free to pick something for yourself or your loved ones!


Your Kamila

Winter in Scotland and the great importance of passion in our livesπŸ’

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Winter is an exceptionally delightful time of the year in Scotland. Nature shrouded in snow and frost changes its appearance and creates a magical aura. The days are not as cold here as I remember from my childhood in Poland. Although, it does not mean that after a long winter walk, I do not want to go back to my warm home. Looking at the frozen branches of trees, the white autumn leaves, and feeling the chill wind on my cheeks, I always have on my mind that very soon spring will come and a new cycle of life will start anew.

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This time of the year is an opportunity for me to stop for a while. It’s the time when I indulge myself in nostalgia and dreams, but I’m also focused on my passions, without which I cannot imagine my life. I can calm down, think more, and explore myself. The recent events in the world, which touch our souls and hearts, make me appreciate even more all of the moments that I can spend in my man’s arms. I love those moments together when we are sitting in front of the fireplace, hiding under a warm blanket in our favorite woolen socks, and sipping a cup of hot cocoa. It’s my asylum, which makes me feel safe.

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Changes, changes, changes…

“Passion will lead people beyond themselves, beyond their faults, beyond their failures.” Joseph Campbell – this quote perfectly reflects my last dilemmas and motivates me through further development. The road to dreams and fulfillment is not always easy, as I have found out many times – also recently. Unfortunately, my newly opened business didn’t work out, and it made me lose my rhythm and willingness to act. Winter evenings spent by the fireplace, the aroma of cocoa with sweet marshmallows, and the company of my irreplaceable companions – cats Gaia and Kora made me get up and move again with good energy and a whole lot of ideas!

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In plans, I have many projects related to what I love the most, like handicrafts. This sad failure means to me right now that I finally gained the will and, most importantly, the time to do what I love and what I want to develop in! Now I know that “even the most bizarre, most modest passion is something very, very precious,” as Stephen King said – and since my life is directing me towards it, I’m not going to argue with it πŸ˜‰. I’ll tell you more about the details soon! I will only reveal that one of the projects will be a new collection of pillows, for which I have already found fabulously colorful materials – for now, I invite you to my collection of hand-colored Indian pillows.

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Passion – what would I do without it?

Speaking of passion… Don’t you think that every one of us should have (at least) one? “Passion is your joy, it is the essence of who you are.” – Jackie St. Onge put it right … Lack of passion in life makes life meaningless, bland, and a man becomes dead inside – loses his own identity.

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Life doesn’t always go our way. However, I have the impression that if I didn’t have this love for beauty, craftsmanship, photography, nature, my two cats, and that I approach each activity with passion and commitment, my existence would not be worth much. A natural call and following my heart and passion makes my life beautiful and complete. Failures and difficulties are crucial elements in the pursuit of fulfillment. They, combined with passion, strengthen us and make us appreciate more what life brings us. After all, our path, including the often difficult choices, directs us where we belong.

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I believe that at this difficult time, our passion for the beauty of life, mutual respect, and love for another human being will allow us all to survive, ending the terror of war and destruction.


Autumn has come to Cherry Bay! πŸ’

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“Fall is the second spring when every leaf is a flower” – this is a time of the year that means a lot for me, and this simple quote expresses it like no other. Why? You will learn everything below! Nevertheless, let’s start with an explanation for my absence.

It’s crazy how time flies when you fill your days with your passions and work. I didn’t even notice that it’s already autumn here! I’m so very sorry that I wasn’t on Cherry Bay for a while. I was a bit busy with my new project. I’ve started the production of sewing templates, designing and sewing clothes, and interior accessories. I am so excited about all this new initiative that I am developing with my partner. Currently, we are at the finish line of that big step. We also are finalizing the rental of our dream premises, and we are planning a great start. Keep your fingers crossed!

Let’s get back to Cherry Bay. I hope that now after such an intense time, I’m will finally catch a moment to respite. Also, I will be able to refocus both on the topic of the store and this blog. After all, I promised to share with you my passions and everything that is happening around me.

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Fall and new challenges it brings


Today’s post inspiration is autumn, a season that paradoxically means new beginnings for me. With her arrival, I started many of my passions. Furthermore, it was in October 16 years ago that I took my first steps on Scottish soil. It was a start of a new adventure in my life. The autumn weather is my call for action, especially in Edi – a place that I love as my home. This beautiful time of the year is phenomenal here, and it comes a bit later than in Poland.

For many people, autumn days are nostalgic, sad and make us feel only the passing of time. I believe that this period of the year is much more than that. “Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never seen them dance on a windy day.” – this simple sentence made me think. Thanks to it, I get the chance to discover that autumn is a crucial stage in the life cycle that can be beautiful and valuable.

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Of all the seasons, autumn is the one that gives man the most and asks for the least.


I don’t know how it is for you, but for me, autumn is the most inspiring season of the year. I love the trees that take on fall colors, beautiful mother Nature that starts preparation for the cold winter, the mountain paths shrouded in the autumn sun, or the fruits of nature showing as the culmination of summer work – each of these are a stimulus for me to create. I have the motivation to start to design new things, enjoy photography and play with the art. All those works from my fall inspirations I hope to show you soon on my blog. 

“How beautifully the leaves are aging. How full of light and color are their final days”. Autumn colors belong to my beloved ones. Reds, oranges, yellows, browns, purples, and the last notes of green – their combination is an unusual phenomenon, and their color blends give me an extraordinary inspiration to create. One of its fruits is hand-embroidered scarves that I am pleased to present to you in Cherry Bay. The attention to the smallest detail, almost 2.5 weeks of work put into each of the unique shawls, makes them so special. Keep up with my shop arrivals – you’ll find here even more of their color variants soon.

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The colors of autumn leaves. Where do these incredible shades come from?


In autumn, I love to sit in a chair with hot tea, watching the picture outside the window change into a colorful view. This variegated inspiration made me curious. I wanted to know a bit more about the meaning of the colors that surround us now. Yellow, orange, brown, or red shades are so important in my life – their energy and warmth make them become a remedy for all the wrong things for me.

I have always been curious how come these fall colors are changing? How the lush green of leaves, our nature suddenly paints with a riot shades in the autumn season. I searched the science sources where I finally found my answer. Here’s what I discovered!

Green leaves owe their shade to chlorophyll, a component that, in combination with sunlight, allows the plant to produce oxygen and organic compounds necessary for its survival. Shorter and shorter days with less sun make the number of chlorophyll decrease, and the plants start to prepare for winter, which results in the colorful physics of autumn leaves. Apart from the chlorophyll, trees species has also other pigments that may finally show themselves in autumn.

Depending on the previous intensity of the green, the leaves turn yellow, orange, or brown with the help of carotenoids. They may change in various ways, and the amount of light, temperature, tree species and even soil pH play a significant role in this transformation. Shades of red appear due to anthocyanidins, which are responsible for protecting plants against frost. Pigments associated with individual plants may be a characteristic of their species, and those found in all of them may reveal themselves under the influence of external conditions. Two similar trees growing next to each other can therefore take on different autumn colors! Doesn’t that make nature a real artist?

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A few words about the meaning of autumn colors

I believe in a deeper meaning of everything that surrounds us. That’s why I attach great importance to what the individual colors symbolize. What do the autumn shades mean?

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Red – attractive and eye-catching


Carmine lipstick on the lips, sexy heels in a hot shade of red – these details are impossible to miss. Red is a color that makes your heart beat faster, arouses desire, but also signals danger. Autumn leaves in these colors attract attention and make you fall in love with them. This shade is very often associated with love and hate. It, therefore, represents blood and life for a reason and has been an attribute of kings for centuries. Intensive red expresses passion, dynamism, and even aggression. It gives us joy, stimulates the appetite, and encourages us to act impulsively – like during unplanned shopping. Girls, you probably know what I’m sayin’. You can love it or hate it, but one thing is sure – no shade affects us as intensely as red.

Yellow – optimism and youthful charm


The shades of yellow, depending on the intensity, can evoke very mixed feelings. Bright colors of yellow can be tiring and even make you cry. Their meaning may be very contradictory. Yellows can be associated with good or evil, optimism or jealousy, or understanding and betrayal. For me, yellow is an expression of creativity, and it stimulates my imagination. It is a color that promotes the development and gives energy. One of the meanings of yellow is also ‘masculine’ and is the color for kings in China. Autumn, together with the yellow color of the leaves, can therefore give us much joy, which deficiencies we can feel with shorter days.

Orange – the warmth of positive emotions


Orange shades, compared to aggressive red, are perceived more as gentle, friendly, and subdued. They are one of the favorite shades used in advertising for a reason. Orange colors have a good influence on our emotions, sense of taste, and well-being. Its tints are also a hidden message – it defines the transformation. Because of that, orange has become a significant symbol in Buddhism.

Brown – a mixture of red, yellow and black


Bronze is an eloquent and pleasant composition at the same time. Just like black, it gives a serious tone but also carries a lot of warmth. As the color of the earth and nature, the brown brings us great support, cheers up, and recharges with good energy. We enjoy chocolate so much for a reason. Brown is the perfect shade for everyone.

Which fall color is your favorite? I admit honestly – I love all of them!


/ Kamila

My very first post – let’s get to know each other a little better! πŸ’


I’m Kamila Gardynik – the founder of Cherry Bay, nature, photography, and handicraft lover. A cat mother of charming Gaja and Kora. Welcome to my blog, where I’d like to share with you my work, passions, and everyday life in remarkable Scotland.
I believe that together we will discover lots of extraordinary things!

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Every very first step of any new initiative seems to be the most difficult. However, after a few more, we feel like the wind is starting to lift us on our wings.
I hope that with time my blog Cherry Bay will become a place full of inspiration, passion, uniqueness, and hopefully, a haven that brings a moment of rest in everyday life that speeding up like a locomotive.
My venture with Cherry Bay – a store full of wonders – is an idea that came up to my mind a long time ago. It is another point on my list of dreams to fulfill.
I believe that it will become a magical space where everyone can find something special for themselves and their loved ones.


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This new beginning is the effect of my love for handicrafts, photography, extraordinary things, as well as nature, which delighted me deeply in stunning Scotland. It’s the place where I have been discovering myself and my desires for over a dozen years.
I am delighted to may welcome you to my Cherry Bay world.

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On the blog, I want to discuss topics related to my work, photography, pearls of handicraft – both created by me personally and available in my store. There will also be lots of valuable tips and interesting facts about the techniques of creating hand-made products, fabrics, sewing, taking beautiful photos, etc.
Without a doubt, I would also like to share here with you some stories of my life, anecdotes about my beloved cats Gaia and Kora, and also my love for Scottish nature. It’s all thanks to it!

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The nature that surrounds me here is my greatest inspiration. Beautiful Scottish mountain ranges, poppy fields that fragrant like summer days, silvery lakes, and the enchanting corners of the city of Edinburgh, which has become my home – what can I say? I love this place on earth!
Every day in Scotland brings me lots of new impressions, extraordinary experiences, ideas, and breathtaking views. I’m hoping to show you on my blog at least a few of the things most important to me and the beauty that surrounds me.
Life is too short to stand still and do nothing. I want to stimulate your creativity, encourage you to act and fulfill yourself through my joyfully content, photos, and videos.
Let these first few sentences be the beginning of our adventure together!


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Soon I’m starting with my online store and new blog entries, so I will be more than happy if you’d honor me with your presence for longer.
I hope you’ll love Cherry Bay as I do!
Lots of hugs!
Till the next one!

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